Hack engine 94% - Quiz, Trivia & Logic no payment buy cheap subtitle Test your knowledge! unlimited coins

subtitle Test your knowledge! unlimited coins 94% - Quiz, Trivia & Logic




94% - Quiz, Trivia & Logic hack




language Italian
summary If I say "Something you eat with your hands", what comes to mind first? Hamburger? Corn on the cob? Ribs? In 94%, the object of the game is simple: find 94% of the given answers!
I like how the game makes you think, especially when it gets down to the end and 1% or 2% is the answer they are looking for. What I really dislike, is the ads, it might just be me, but you can’t exit out of them without being redirected to their page in the App Store because the “X” is so difficult to press. You then exit out of the App Store and it’s a continuous process because the ad is still up. I have to shut down 94% then continue my play until another ad pops up. I like the game, but hate the ads. Not saying get rid of the ads because that’s where the money is, but make it easier to exit out of them once they run their course. Thank you
4 500 coins
subtitle Test your knowledge!
We have improved the application by correcting problems that you have shared with us!



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